The clothes dryer is a piece of equipment that no homeowner would want to leave behind. Not only will a quick dryer save you time, but it can also save you money by lowering your energy bill.
When you’ve just done a load of laundry, roll it into the dryer. You throw wet clothes in the roller, but you realize you don’t know how long your clothes need to be in the dryer to dry completely. Scroll down for some helpful tips.
How Long Do Dryers Cycle Take?
Typically, a gas or electric dryer takes about 30 to 45 minutes to dry an entire batch of clothes. Dense fabrics such as quilts or thick bath towels can take up to an hour to dry. If your dryer takes too long to dry clothes, it’s important to identify the problem rather than ignore it.
Factors Affecting the Dryer cycle
The length of the dryer cycle depends on several factors, including:
- The load size
- Set up the
- Dryer efficiency
- Dryer maintenance
- Technical problems
- What You’re Drying
Load Size
The larger the load, the longer the drying time, the same is true for large bulky items. For example, I once bought an extra-large thick quilt that, because of its size, took longer to dry than any quilt I had used before.
On the other hand, if you dry just one towel or small item of clothing, it will take less time than it would for an entire batch.
If you’re in a hurry to leave the house but need to dry something first, try putting only that item in the dryer and then transferring the rest of the items after drying.
Also, if your clothes usually take a long time to dry, you may be storing too many items at once.
My washer and dryer are purchased separately and the washer can handle much larger loads, so my family must remember not to overload our dryer!
Technical problems
If your dryer has a technical problem that prevents it from working properly, it may take longer than usual to dry your clothes.
- Technical problems that can lead to poor dryer performance include:
- Pile up of lint resulting in insufficient airflow
- Exhaust loss
- The vents are too long
- Heating element damage
- The thermostat or sensor is damaged
You can fix some yourself, especially if it’s convenient for you! Otherwise, you may need to hire a professional to fix your dryer
Dryer maintenance
Dryers that are cleaned regularly have a longer life and run more efficiently than dryers that are not maintained.
Each time you use the washing machine, clean the lint tray and make sure it goes into the lint collector. Lint may fall in here unknowingly, but a vacuum can suck it out to keep the machine in good condition.
Clean the vents behind the dryer at least twice a year.
This not only keeps your equipment running smoothly but also eliminates fire hazards in your home. It’s very important to keep up!
Different heat settings on the dryer will make your drying time faster or shorter. It is best to follow the instructions that come with the dryer or the label on the item to get accurate instructions. The hotter the environment, the faster your clothes will dry. However, this is not a good thing for all fabrics as it can cause damage.
Dryer Efficiency
Some dryers are more efficient than others from the start. This may be due to the make or model of the dryer you purchased.
While most homes have ventilated dryers, there are condensing and heat pump dryers on the market that take longer to dry. (The advantages are portability and energy efficiency.)
However, other factors can also affect efficiencies, such as maintenance and technical issues.
What You’re Drying
Thicker materials (such as quilts) take less time to dry than thinner materials (such as T-shirts). A batch usually takes 30-45 minutes to dry completely, but heavier items like blankets or towels can take an hour or more.
A small load consisting of sheets or cooked food may dry in 20-25 minutes。
Why Is Your Dryer Taking So Long?
There are a number of issues that can make dryers take longer to dry clothes. These include:
Overload the machine with a heavy load.
Use the wrong laundry Settings.
Lint collected in a lint collector or vent blocks the airflow.
Technical problems such as excessively long ventilation holes or damaged heating elements.
To begin troubleshooting, start by thoroughly cleaning the dryer. This includes removing lint from the lint tray, cleaning the inside of the lint collector, and cleaning the vents behind the dryer.
Follow the instructions attached with equipment and laundry items to make sure you use the dryer properly.
If none of these is the problem, then your machine may be damaged in some way. Research yourself, get a professional to look at it, or just buy a new dryer.
Tips To Shorten Drying Time
If you want to reduce drying time, you can wash multiple batches of clothes at once in a larger dryer. Also, if you need to dry something quickly, like work clothes, don’t switch everything from the washer to the dryer at once. Instead, simply put clothes that need to be dried quickly into the dryer. It takes less time to dry this way.
Or, you should consider whether your dryer is overloaded. Obviously, there are many variables involved in drying clothes: load size, item, fabric type, ambient humidity, dryer efficiency, dryer setup, ventilation duct style, length, etc. If you are not sure how long the dryer will run at the laundromat, you can ask the staff for help. Or, as a simple guess, aim for the low end. If it doesn’t dry after that, add more time. Finally, you will know how long it will take for your goods to dry. Then the next time you dry a similar item, you’ll know how long the dryer will run.
The following methods can also help you shorten the drying time:
Shorten the Dryer Hose
The ventilation hose on the dryer does not require any additional length. You may notice that it folds up like an accordion, but some of its lengths may not fold.
If this is the case, fold it as close as possible to shorten the hose. This will make your dryer dry faster.
You can also cut off the dryer hose or buy a new shorter hose.
Appropriate Rotation Period
The better the spin cycle on the washer works, the faster the dryer will finish its job. After all, if your clothes are coming out of a soggy washer, your dryer is already at a disadvantage.
Clean Vent
Cleaning a dryer vent is a more complicated task. You need to unplug the dryer, remove it from the wall, and disconnect the ventilation hose.
Close the Door
It can be tempting to open the door and check your laundry, especially if it takes a long time to dry. However, this can backfire.
Not only does it stop the cycle, but it also releases heat, which slows the drying time. It’s a bit like constantly opening the fridge or oven door!
You can then use a vacuum cleaner, cleaning brush, or even a hair dryer to clean the inside of the vent.
Alternatively, you can hire a professional to do this for you.
Dryer vents should be cleaned at least twice a year.
Add A Dry Towel
Keeping a dry towel in the laundry can help dry clothes faster, especially when your clothes are small, like the shirt in question.
The towel will absorb some of the water from your wet clothes, so it will dry faster
You can take the towel out after 5-15 minutes, depending on your load.
Final Thoughts
The average drying time for fully loaded clothing is 45 minutes. Depending on what you’re doing, it takes less time to hang clothes separately. A lot of things can affect drying time.