Home neck tracking device, called cervical traction, is a common method for the treatment of neck pain and related injuries. Basically, neck traction pulls the head away from the neck to produce expansion and eliminate compression. Home neck tracking device is considered as an alternative treatment for neck pain, helping people avoid the need for drugs or surgery. This home neck tracking device can be used as part of physical therapy or alone at home.
The cervical traction device gently stretches the neck by pulling or separating the vertebrae to reduce the pressure on the spine. It is said that this home neck tracking device is efficient and fast. Read on to learn more about this home neck tracking device and how this home neck tracking device can benefit you.
1. DDS Max Cervical Traction Collar
What is DDS Max religious traction collar?
When cervical spine injury is caused by degenerative changes of intervertebral disc, compression of intervertebral disc, neck sprain or other intervertebral disc problems, cervical traction is required. This home neck tracking device can help you. When a treatment fails, there are other options, including home neck tracking device. The cervical traction ring is designed to help reduce the pressure on the nerve root by extending the space of the cervical intervertebral disc. Pain relief, increased mobility, sometimes almost immediately.
We compare two commonly used home neck tracking devices; DDS cervitrac neck traction ring and DDS Max neck traction ring.
How does DDS Max ethical traction collar work?
When many cervical traction devices require you to stay lying down during treatment or use the device at the door, DDS cervitrac allows you to stay upright and move at work. This home neck tracking device is convenient and comfortable to use. It can reduce the pressure of cervical nerve root, so as to reduce pain and discomfort. This home neck tracking device is usually used for the rehabilitation treatment of many different types of cervical spondylosis. This home neck tracking device includes patients who may face surgery. DDS cervical traction ring is suitable for the most common cervical conditions, including:
• Squeeze nerves
• Disc herniation or bulging
• Cervical radiculopathy
• Neck pain syndrome
• Degenerative disc disease
• Chronic migraine
DDS cervical traction ring uses vaptm technology or (vertical air pressure) to help lengthen the cervical spine. This home neck tracking device includes an expansion collar that expands the tensile force to 25 pounds by using a manual pump to separate the vertebrae in an upright or lying down position, so as to remain active during treatment. This home neck tracking device treatment helps to replenish the water of intervertebral disc, reduce muscle tension and relieve pain. In many cases, the pain may be reduced or relieved immediately after the first treatment.
What are the functions of DDS Max neck traction collar?
- Protruding and bulging intervertebral disc
- Neck injury (injury not involving fracture or dislocation)
- Degenerative change (arthritis)
- Nerve impact
- Compression / radiculopathy
- Spondylolysis of vertebral arch and spondylolisthesis of lumbar spine
- Spinal stenosis
- Sciatica
- Compression fracture
DDS Max Cervical Traction Collar Pros and Cons
DDS Max Cervical Traction Collar Pros
- The pain is generally reduced and the opportunity to resume daily activities is greater
- This home neck tracking device can improve spinal flexibility
- This home neck tracking device can prevent and protect muscles
- This home neck tracking device plays a role in developing core strength
- This home neck tracking device can improve joint flexibility
- This home neck tracking device can strengthen the immune system
- This home neck tracking device can prevent new injuries
- This home neck tracking device can reduce the pressure level
DDS Max Cervical Traction Collar Cons
- Pregnant women are at risk of abdominal compression
- This home neck tracking device is suitable for patients with spinal instability, such as severe osteoporosis or spinal degeneration
- This home neck tracking device can be used for patients with screws, metal plates or similar hardware implanted in previous spinal surgery, unless bone fusion
- This home neck tracking device cannot be used in patients with severe nerve injury
- For patients with metastatic cancer (cancer that has spread to bone)
- This home neck tracking device is suitable for patients with grade 3 and 4 lumbar spondylolisthesis
- For patients with a history of aortic aneurysm
- For patients with intervertebral disc space infection
What is the price of DDS Max religious traction collar?
Owning a DDS Max religious traction collar costs approximately $345.00. This home neck tracking device is a revolutionary way to treat neck pain. The portable and easy-to-use mobile traction collar adopts an innovative longitudinal expansion system to help reduce the pressure in the cervical spine. This home neck tracking device can expand the neck traction ring (rear) and fix the chin ring (front). This home neck tracking device can reduce the pressure of cervical intervertebral disc and effectively eliminate pain. The process is simple: this home neck tracking device relieves the pressure on the nerve root by increasing the intervertebral disc space, so as to help active recovery and eliminate pain at the same time. Spinal decompression has shown promising results in the future and has been effective in the treatment of all types of disc diseases and spinal injuries.
How to use DDS Max religious traction collar?
DDS Max can relieve the pressure of nerve roots to the greatest extent. The inflatable collar adopts the latest technology of inflatable collar and air pressure to significantly lift the skull and lengthen the cervical spine. The collar can be inflated vertically so that you can walk upright during treatment, rather than limiting you to lying down or doorway like many other traction devices.
DDS Max neck collar fits your neck. Ergonomically designed chin and chest rest comfortably and remain stable through the use of Velcro fasteners. The injection nozzle is used to manually pump air into the inflatable collar. This home neck tracking device can lift the skull to stretch the intervertebral disc, so as to release the pressure on the nerve root, and the intervertebral disc can be rehydrated. You can use the pump to adjust the amount of air in the collar to add, release, or bleed air.
Compared with almost all other cervical units that require the patient to lie down or be confined in the door, the DDS Max clinical traction collar can be worn upright and allows movement.
This home neck tracking device inflates vertically, gently push the occipital bone upward and the shoulder downward. This creates a feeling of retraction of the chin and depressurizes the cervical spine. The pressure exerted on the nerve root is relieved, the pain is eliminated, and it is conducive to active rehabilitation and accelerated recovery.
2. Pronex Cervical Traction System
What is pronex ceramic traction system?
As a common medical procedure, this home neck tracking device seeks to exert two opposite forces on different parts of the body. Its purpose is to relieve tension and align nerves, muscles and bones correctly.
Specifically, neck traction is designed to pull the head away from the body to stretch the neck muscles and disperse the space of the spine bones. This action will release tension and relieve pain.
The pronex cervical traction system includes the use of a device that attempts to pull your spine up to create space between your cervical discs. This is also known as disc distraction. Treatment with this method can correct the alignment of the spine, restore the correct posture and release the tension of the spine.
Traction can also stretch muscles. The bending of the muscle releases the tension accumulated around the nerve, thereby reducing another source of pain.
Although more research is needed, clinical evidence clearly shows the effectiveness of neck traction in eliminating neck pain attacks. This home neck tracking device is especially true for minor cases of neck pain and injury. For more severe cases, extended cervical traction treatment and additional orthopedic intervention may be needed to achieve complete treatment.
In fact, the therapeutic effect of this home neck tracking device can solve many problems of neck pain. This home neck tracking device can be used as an active treatment method, or as a regular muscle and bone structure movement to maintain the best state of the spine.
How does the pronex ceramic traction system work?
The most common neck traction device uses the so-called “door” technology. These devices usually require the patient to sit upright in a chair. The strap is located under the patient’s chin. The chin strap is connected to a weight that will be suspended above the door through a pulley.
The weight pulls the neck upward, stretching the surrounding muscles and distracting the skeletal structure. These actions will release pent up tensions and alleviate suffering in the region.
Ideally, the weight suspended from the other end of the chin strap should be 20 pounds, but depending on the patient’s condition and the influence of traction, the weight can be increased to 50 pounds at most. This home neck tracking device is the first tool for this orthopedic operation.
Other types of neck traction techniques use pneumatic devices. Most of these devices are more compact and portable.
The pneumatic neck traction device attempts to pull the head while pushing the patient’s shoulder. This action will achieve the traction of muscles and nerve endings, and bend the bone structure of the neck to reduce the tension in this area.
What are the functions of pronex cervical traction system?
I would like to emphasize two issues here. First, different buyers seem to get different commitments in arbitrage transactions. Some people receive big and practical things, others get something a little simple, while others get nothing. The best advice here is not to expect any results, but to be surprised. Another problem is the lack of instructions. It is difficult to see how to make the product fit for customization. The manual does not explain all parts, and better charts are needed.
Finally, there are enough good reports here to give a good score to this home neck tracking device. If you are struggling with neck or upper back pain, you may be interested in this product.
Pronex Cervical Traction System Pros and Cons
Pronex Cervical Traction System Pros
- Adjustable neck support
- Comfortable ergonomics and padding
- For some users, quick pain relief.
Pronex Cervical Traction System Cons
- Suitcase problem
- Missing description of all components
What is the price of pronex ceramic traction system?
Occasionally, a customer will complain about the quality of the materials used, saying that many parts of the pronex device are composed of rubber and plastic, which makes them question the high price of the product. The price of this home neck tracking device is US $305.00.
How do I use the pronex ceramic tracition system?
There are several ways to perform neck traction, either with a physiotherapist or at home. Your physiotherapist can help you decide the best method for your needs.
Your physiotherapist may recommend that you purchase neck traction equipment for use at home. Some home neck tracking devices may require you to have a prescription. Neck traction devices are available online and in medical stores. Before you use it yourself, your physiotherapist should tell you how to use the device correctly.
Even if you are doing family therapy with this home neck tracking device, you should contact your physiotherapist. They will make sure you do the best treatment, measure your progress, and adjust your treatment as needed.
Manual cervical traction
Manual neck traction was performed by the physiotherapist. When you lie down, they will gently pull your head away from your neck. They will hold this position for a period of time before releasing and repeating with this home neck tracking device. Your physiotherapist will adjust your exact position for best results.
Cervical mechanical traction
Mechanical traction of the neck was performed by a physiotherapist. When you lie flat on the ground, a seat belt will be tied to your head and neck. The safety belt is connected to a machine or a weight system. This home neck tracking device or weight system applies traction to pull your head away from your neck and spine.
Door neck traction
The traction device on the door is for family use. You fasten your head and neck to your seat belt. This is connected to a rope, which is part of a weighted pulley system passing through the door. This can be done while sitting, leaning back, or lying down.
Most modern home neck tracking devices are treated. Usually, the patient controls the force application. This home neck tracking device can apply 20 pounds of pressure to muscles and bones.
The devices used in some types of neck traction techniques are variants of “door” and pneumatic devices. There is a neck traction device whose head frame is connected to a separate table or headboard. These are “on the door” changes, but the purpose and transmission of pressure are still the same.
Some types of pneumatic devices have rotating head frames and soft movable pads. The purpose of rotation is to bend the muscle and bone structure of the neck in order to achieve traction in multiple parts. In general, the patient can also control the application and rotation direction of pressure.
Other types of neck traction devices use a C-shaped inflator. There is a frame for fixing the patient’s head and a safety belt for fixing both feet. After inflation, this home neck tracking device can stretch the neck and the whole spine. The degree of bending depends on the amount of air entering the inflator.
3. Saunders Cervical HomeTrac Traction Device
What is Saunders ethical hometrac traction device?
Saunders spiritual hometrac traction device provides powerful neck decompression to help anyone with neck and shoulder pain.
This home neck tracking device helps:
- Protrusion or expansion of cervical intervertebral disc
- The nerves in the neck and shoulder are squeezed
- Neck muscle tension and related headaches
- Cervical arthritis
- Neck Strain
- Cervical muscle spasm
How does Saunders ethical hometrac traction device work?
This high-quality neck traction home device is designed for cervical decompression (this home neck tracking device does not exert pressure on neck flexion).
Sanders provides up to 50 pounds of traction to the cervical region and safely stretches the cervical spine.
When you stretch your neck so strongly, there will be a distance between your cervical discs, which will reduce the pressure on nerves, discs and muscles.
Releasing the pressure on the intervertebral disc between the vertebrae (vertebrae) can relieve neck pain almost immediately.
This home neck tracking device can also open the space for nerves to leave the spinal canal and relieve the pressure of compressed nerves.
This home neck tracking device allows healing nutrients to enter your injured neck and accelerate healing.
Traction can also help stretch the muscles and joint structures around the neck.
What are the functions of Saunders certified hometrac traction device?
- Saunders ceramic hometrac traction device traction unit is much more comfortable than door unit.
- You can forget the pain in your jaw or teeth. As long as you keep the tension within the limit (only 12 pounds at first, and then gradually increase), you will only feel a comfortable relief.
- If you’ve ever tried to relax during neck traction, you’ll find how difficult it is. Feel the neck muscles resist traction.
- Studies have shown that supine or tilt traction can reduce most muscle resistance.
- Saunders spiritual hometrac traction device provides tilting traction to maximize relaxation and increase decompression effect. This home neck tracking device has a customizable tilt angle from 15 to 25 degrees at the press of a button.
- This is a piece of high-quality equipment, strong and durable, will not be easily damaged
- Fits all neck sizes
- It is cost-effective and saves a lot of money in clinical treatment
- The customer service was very good
- Fully assembled for separate safe operation when required.
- It is easy to carry and can be carried with you when traveling (including suitcase)
- Easy to use and comfortable
- We strongly recommend doing this before hasty surgery. Start slowly and enter your settings. Give this home neck tracking device a real chance and you may find yourself canceling the operation in a few weeks.
Saunders Cervical HomeTrac Traction Device Pros and Cons
Saunders Cervical HomeTrac Traction Device Pros
- Powerful – up to 50 pounds of traction
- Easy to use, fully assembled
- You can operate without help
- Safe and comfortable
- Fits all neck sizes
- Easy to carry and equipped with a suitcase
Saunders Cervical HomeTrac Traction Device Cons
- This may take some time to adapt and find the best setting
- Relatively high price (but if this home neck tracking device works – it’s worth it!)
How to use this home neck tracking device?
You can use this home neck tracking device by lying on a flat surface with your head resting on two neck supports. Then, you fasten your forehead with a belt and hold the pump in your hand to slowly pressurize upward until you reach comfortable tension.
When you do this, the device will pull your head away from your body, stretch out the deep muscles of your neck and reduce the pressure on your spine.
According to orthocanada.com, although everyone needs personalized consideration, there are some very safe and effective general guidelines for using this home neck tracking device.
When separation of the intervertebral space is required, it is usually clinically effective to apply a force of 25-40 pounds to the middle and lower cervical spine.
For example, radiculopathy caused by cervical disc herniation, intervertebral foramen nerve root invasion, intervertebral disc or joint degeneration or facet joint impact.
In other cases where muscles are mainly affected, smaller forces may be effective. Such as suboccipital or superior trapezius muscle tension or shortening.
Through our research, 10-20 minutes of treatment is the best. Except for intervertebral disc herniation, this home neck tracking device only takes 5-10 minutes.
This home neck tracking device longer treatment time may reverse the beneficial effect.
The frequency of treatment depends on your response. Traction can be performed twice a day, or two to three times a week.
You’d better write a prescription to your doctor.
Through our research, Saunders ceramic hometrac traction device is one of the best neck traction household devices in the market – in 2021.
We strongly recommend that your physician recommend the use of hometrac traction system. The prerequisite is the specific instructions of neck or neck traction. Generally speaking, this home neck tracking device is best to apply only about 12 pounds of traction at the beginning of treatment, and then slowly adjust upward for subsequent treatment. Traction can be continuous or intermittent. The pump is combined with the pressure reducing valve to put these options under the control of the user. The total treatment time should start from about 10 minutes and should not exceed 20 minutes unless your doctor suggests otherwise. This home neck tracking device is usually used no more than once a day or every other day. When this home neck tracking device traction therapy begins, users may feel a little sore or embarrassed at the end of the treatment until they feel the benefit later in the day or the next day. The maximum traction force depends on the user’s condition, weight and neck circumference. Most women or women with smaller necks will never exceed 30 pounds.